Tableau Virginia

Alexandria Businesses in 1860

Below is my experiment in automatic geocoding. I extracted the business information from the 1860 editon of Boyd’s Washington and Georgetown Directory (available here: and used a batch geocoder to identify locations. Most of the entries were located successfully, though I had to correct some of the geographical coordinates for archaic address, such as nearly anything located along Water Street, which was later renamed Lee Street, in Alexandria. Though all of the 4,000+ locations in the Washington area were geocoded, the embedded dashboard only displays businesses listed in Alexandria.

Tableau Virginia

Antebellum Railroad Bills in the Virginia General Assembly

This project uses data visualizations in Tableau to better understand the legislative process to incorporate railroad companies in antebellum Virginia. It employs interactive dashboards to track the progress of bills through the Virginia House of Delegates and Senate. Explore the dashboards in the project overview or select one of the guides for bills related to the incorporation of the Manassas Gap Railroad: the failed attempt to incorporate the company in the 1848-1849 session OR the successful attempt completed in 1850.

Tableau Virginia

Virginia Senate, 1845-1861

This post is a visualization of the senatorial districts for the Virginia General Assembly from 1845-1861. Hover over or click on the district to view the details. You can also select different sessions by toggling the slider bar at the top left of the screen.

Visualization created using Tableau by Jason Tercha.

Source: Earl G. Swem and John W. Williams, A Register of the General Assembly of Virginia, 1776-1918 and of the Constitutional Conventions (Richmond: Davis Bottom, 1918), 159-183. Available via:

** NOTE: This visualization is a work-in-progress. Last updated: August 1, 2019
